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Nollen barefoot and panoramic trail - experience nature with every step

Barfuss- und Panoramaweg Nollen
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Discover the diversity of the senses on an unforgettable barefoot experience

Leave your shoes and socks in your rucksack and experience the barefoot and panoramic trail with all your senses in the beautiful surroundings around the Nollen.

The barefoot and panoramic trail is a sensory trail that stimulates the feet in all areas. Over a distance of four or seven kilometres, you will be surprised by completely new sensory impressions through the soles of your feet. Meadows, streams, forest floors and specially constructed sensory stations alternate with short stony or tarmac sections. At the so-called barefoot points, which follow each other in close succession, it is possible, for example, to feel a wide variety of materials in a bog bath, a special tactile trail or in a guided blind walk. Those who are no longer used to walking barefoot can simply put their shoes b
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1 to 10 Visitors
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2 hours
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This tour can be cancelled free of charge up to 24 hours before the start.
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favorite Created with love
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Thurgau Tourismus

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